Professional Dashleigh Labels Premium Essential Oil Labels, Waterproof White Download Your Images No images necessary for this walk through. These design is created entirely with Microsoft shapes and Google fonts. Download the Blank Word Template Download our Microsoft Word Essential Oil Template. Download Your Free Fonts from Google Now, we are going to add these free Google fonts to your computer. The fonts that we use in this example is completely free for download at Google fonts. To match the sample image, use the fonts listed below from the links. If you want to add more text to your candy bar wrapper- we recommend adding the "Forum" font. They pair beautifully together. Link: Reem Kufi font and Rokkitt font Help: How to Download Google Fonts to Your Computer Adding a Text Box to Your Label Once you have finished installing your fonts- we will now see your new fonts in the MS Word dropdown. We are going to add the text for your label. Using Insert > Text Box- add the text for the label. Note: You may notice that adding this text box sends your images scattering across the page. No worries, but click on the text box and set the Wrap Text to "In Front". This will ensure that your text will sit on top of your background images. You can repeat this for any text or images you add moving forward. Set the background to black fill using a Microsoft Rectangle shape tool. Pull and size the box to fill past the label edges. This ensures that no white shows through on the edges. For the P icon - use the Rokkit Font in a Text Box with no fill and no outline. For the outline- use the Microsoft Word shape rounded square. For the fill, set it to "No Fill". For the outline, set it to white color outline. For the essential oil title- Add a text box and use the Reem Kufi font in all caps. To create the divider, use the line shape tool. For the text below the divider- create a text box and include your product copy. Set the font to Reem Kufi. You can set the font to justify fill so that the text complete fills the space. You can also set the text to center align as well for a different look. Once completed, your labels are ready to print!